
For long, we are lost in the world of busyness, distress, sorrow, and disappointment.
We spend our whole life pursuing happiness, understanding the meaning of life, and discovering who we truly are - the reason why we even exist.
The truth is found only when we return home, a home that last forever till eternity.
Are you ready to come back home? 

The Homecoming collection is the first exclusive series that i-agape created for inHIM family. This collection tells the story of having a renewed identity and life after returning home. 
All seven drawings of this collection are printed in postcards.

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The Homecoming collection is the first exclusive series that i-agape created for inHIM family which tells the story of having a renewed identity and life after returning home. 
All seven drawings of this collection are printed on postcards.

(Will jump to inHim Official webpage after clicking)

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present iagape inHim


What is the best gift you have ever received?

Present, apart from meaning "gift", it shares the same origin as "presence" - meaning "being in the same place as someone or something". 

Presence alone is the greatest gift of all. 

The Creator has given us a great gift - His Spirit. When we receive Jesus as our Lord, His Spirit comes and lives within us. We will never be alone, abandoned and forgotten. We are redeemed and renewed into a new creation. 

His presence is the greatest present we can receive.

as the deer iagape inHim

As the Deer

"As the deer pants for the water brooks, So pants my soul for You, O God." Psalms 42:1 Psalmist David knew who and what can satisfy his thirst. 

Deer thirsts so it looks and pants for streams of water to drink. 
Man thirsts so he or she looks for things to fill up his or her emptiness. 

Only the living water of the Lord can truly satisfy our thirst, for Jesus is our bread of life and whoever come to Him will never be hungry again.

如鷹展翅上騰 soar on wings like eagles iagape inHim

Soar on wings like eagles

Bold, fearless, courageous - all because you know who you are.

You have the Maker of the Heaven and the earth at your back. 
The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is living in you. 

You are a child of God.

心 heart iagape inHim


Who does your heart beat for?

YHVH, in hebrew word יהוה, is the name of our Creator.

We live cause He lives and makes our heart beat.
We are inseparable from His love no matter what.

永遠的孩子 Forever child iagape inHim

Forever Child

Be like a child who is easy to forgive, easy to believe and easy to love. 
Be like a child to stay pure and humble, to seek and question all those around you.
Be like a child and cast all your worries upon Him.

彼此相愛 love one another iagape inHim

Love One Another

Love your neighbour as you love yourself. 
How can you love when you not first being loved?
Come back home, My child. 
Come back to the love of our Creator.

We love because He first loved us.

劍 sword iagape inHim

The Sword

Guard your mouth as out from it flows life or death. 
There is power in whatever you speak. 
So speak wisely!

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The Homecoming collection is the first exclusive series that i-agape created for inHIM family which tells the story of having a renewed identity and life after returning home. 
All seven drawings of this collection are printed on postcards.

(Will jump to inHim Official webpage after clicking)

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